Digital Portfolios, Your Story Driving Success!

Digital Storage &

Portfolio Solution for Everyone

Showcase your unique value, skills, achievements, and more quickly and easily for academic and career success!

“LifeStream Digital Memory Box was the exact tool that we needed for my daughter’s college applications. It allowed us to upload a link to the common app that led to the platform, which showcased descriptions of all her activities and life skills, including videos, news article references, photos, and her resume. It was the easy-to-navigate vehicle that helped us to tell the full story of her extra-curricular achievements throughout high school. I am happy to say that my daughter was accepted into her top-choice reach schools. LifeStream Digital Memory Box gave her the competitive edge in this post-Covid era.”  ~ High School Parent, Connecticut 

Kids & Families

Create a digital scrapbook to share & keep closets clear of “kid projects”!
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College Bound

Be prepared for college applications & STAND OUT among other applicants!
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Career Planning

Showcase your talents and skills. Make your resume SHINE in the sea of applicants!
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High Schools

Empower students to showcase their talents and uniqueness. Make college apps easier too!
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Gain a holistic, authentic view of an applicant beyond grades & test scores. Great for Career Services too!
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Gain a holistic, authentic view of an applicant beyond their resume and add depth to interviews!
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Capture and organize your cherished memories, accomplishments, athletic & artistic talent, community involvement, awards, and more effortlessly over time in various digital formats. Easily access from anywhere so you have it available when you need it!


Embrace and contemplate your accomplishments, recognizing the depth of your contributions in order to shape your individual worth and cultivate your unique identity. Establishing a robust personal brand and being able to articulate your value is essential to today’s high school, college, and job application process!

Create & Share

Craft a personalized digital portfolio and confidentially share it with anyone you choose. Showcase your skills, experiences, life skills, and character to Admission Officers or prospective Employers. Elevate your application to stand out from the rest!